Types Of Skin

6.Couperose Skin: Couperose skin is characterized by the visible presence of capillaries, bright red in color, winding delicately through the tissues around the nose, on the cheeks and the chin. Diffuse redness frequently precedes the appearance of couperose and is a constant flushed appearance of the cheeks and nose. Couperose occurs due to poor elasticity of the capillary walls. Couperose skin can be aggravated by excessive use of hot and cold water on skin, blushing, spicy foods, alcohol, cigarettes, hot & spicy foods, and sun; anything that causes blood to rush to the face.

Causes Of Couperose Skin:
1.Skin Type: The inherent thickness of the skin, the degree of oiliness and the natural coloring all work together in shielding and protecting the capillaries. A thicker, darker skin with normal or increased sebum is less likely to fall victim to couperose due to its increased insulation; while a thin, fair, dry skin is much more vulnerable. When the intrinsic predisposition is combined with external aggressions, the development of couperose accelerates.
2.Heredity: The role of genetics in couperose skin is undeniable. Some people are born with more fragile capillaries whose elasticity deteriorates more rapidly.
3.External Factors: Two of the most prevalent damaging aggressions are UV exposure and temperature extremes. Climate conditions and harsh weather particularly wind and cold, contribute to the couperose condition as well. Especially damaging are sudden changes in temperature like going from a toasty seat by a roaring fire into the freezing cold wind outside. When the skin is very warm, the capillaries dilate bringing blood to the surface to cool the body. The sudden shock of piercing cold causes the capillaries to constrict. This repeated dilation and constriction overtax their elasticity. Similarly, overuse of a sauna, long hot showers and very hot water on the face should be avoided on a very delicate skin.
4.Lifestyle Factors: When it comes to couperose, sometimes a person’s lifestyle and habits can be the skin’s worst enemy. In a fair, delicate skin predisposed to couperose, a steady diet of hot, spicy food, chronic alcohol consumption and eating meals too quickly will promote couperose. Smoking also promotes couperose.

Treatments For Couperose Skin:
1. Though someone has couperose skin, their skin types can still vary between dry, combination, and oily. When selecting products, it is important to keep your skin type in mind.
2. Those with couperose skin should avoid washing the face with extremely cold or hot water.
3. Aesthetic treatments are also effective and should encompass two objectives for couperose skins. First, a gentle stimulation of blood flow will relieve the congested state of the capillaries, reduce the internal pressure and relieve the blotchy appearance of the skin. Many ingredients exist to encourage blood circulation and relieve tissue inflammation. Essential oils of thyme, rosemary, pine, lavender, juniper as well as other non-aromatic compounds like hammamelis and St. John’s Wort are very effective.
The second very important objective is to use active ingredients, which strengthen the tone of the capillary and restore its elasticity for a long lasting improvement. There is interesting research on horse chestnut extract, Aesculus hippocastanum L., which is rich in special active, esculoside.
4. Apart from aesthetic treatments, there are also a variety of medical treatments available including electrosurgery and CO2 laser treatment.
5. Use a rich protective cream that will seal in hydration and moisture while fortifying skin with keratoplast – a mild and fortifying botanical extract.
6. To reduce redness use Chamomile extract, which soothes and calms redness on the skin, if formulated with a clay-based formula which also gently cleanses the pores.

Beauty Regimen For Couperose Skin:
1. It is advisable not to use facial washes and soaps, as these are likely to strip your skin of oil and moisture which can increase its sensitivity even more. So, instead, choose a light, hypo-allergenic cleansing lotion.
2. Even mild skin fresheners can break down the natural protection your delicate skin needs against the elements. So freshen it by splashing with warm water instead. This also removes the final traces of cleanser and eye make-up remover from your skin.
3. To dry your skin, lightly pat your face with a soft towel, taking care not to rub the skin because this could irritate it.
4. It is vital to keep your skin moisturized to keep it strong and supple and provide a barrier against irritants that can lead to sensitivity. Dryness can make sensitive skin more uncomfortable. So it is a good idea to choose an unscented moisturizer.

Suggested Treatments For Couperose Skin:

1.Green Tea Mask: Treat your skin to all of the benefits that Green Tea, French Rose and Licorice have to offer. This facial will soothe the skin, ease blotchiness and reduce redness. This treatment is recommended for all hypersensitive skin conditions, specifically, Couperose, Erythrose, Rosacea or Acne Rosacea.
2.Honey Papaya Mask:
Honey Papaya helps heal skin blemishes, nourishes, draws out impurities, balances your skin pH, and will leave your skin radiant, beautiful, and the softest it has ever been.
3.Chamomile Mask:
Extracts of Borage, Chamomile, Witch Hazel and Rose hip help to strengthen and calm the skin and encourage it to renew and rejuvenate.
4. Oats Mask:
Mask with moisturizing properties due to its content in sea algae, violet extract and vitamins A, B and E coming from Oats. Suitable for emotive and / or nervous people and in “couperose” skin.

The Right Make-Up For Couperose Skin: 1. Choose the colour of your foundation carefully. Beige with a hint of green pigment neutralizes redness. Avoid reddish tones, which emphasize the high skin tone even more.
2. Avoid using blusher and lipstick in cool, pink tones and eyeshadow in blue or purple tones, which highlight any redness in the skin.
3.If foundation does not provide cover then a concealer in a beige shade can be used either over foundation (for mild redness) or under foundation (for severe redness).

Mature Skin 

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