The Techniques Of Swedish Massage:
The main manipulations applied in a Swedish massage are effleurage; petrissage; friction; vibration; percussion along with bending and stretching which are also known as passive and active movements, there are also long strokes, kneading, pinpoint, tapping, fingertip brushing and shaking movements.
1. Effleurage Strokes in Swedish Massage:
Effleurage is a massage stroke used in Swedish massages. These gliding strokes are administered over large surfaces of the body such as the arms, legs, back, and chest) and small surfaces like the hands, throat and face.
- The pressure and speed of effleurage strokes applied on the body depends on what area of the body the pressure is applied.
- There are two types of effleurage strokes and superficial strokes and and deep strokes.
- Effleurage also includes a technique in which the strokes ar long, light, over the spine and back.
- Fingertip effleurage is another technique performed with finger tips and manoeuvred in a circular motion either in long strokes or concentrates in one specific area over the back.
- Fingertip effleurage is also administered on the abdomen as it is used in the Lamaze method of natural childbirth.
- In a Swedish massage the therapist performs superficial effluerage with a hand-over-hand gliding movement with massage oil.
- Deep effleurage strokes, involves more pressure, stretching and broadening the muscle tissue and fascia with deep gliding, uses. The movements of the therapist goes in the direction of the muscle tissue. In most cases the movement is towards the heart; followed by a much lighter return stroke away from the center of the body.
- The deeper the force applied while using effleurage, the more the body tightens to form a protection on the body, which is beneficial for the body during a Swedish massage and a deep tissue massage as well.