The Massage Step By Step:
Following your assessment, select the oils you are going to use and blend 10-15 drops of your chosen oils with four tablespoons of base oil. The massage starts with your partner lying face down, with the back uncovered and the rest of the body covered with a towel or light blanket.
Establishing Contact:
Take a few moments to create a bond of communication with your partner and to prepare yourself for the massage. Focus or “centre” yourself by becoming aware of your whole body and its role in giving the massage, and letting go of outside concerns to concentrate on the task in hand.
With your partner face down, rest one hand lightly at the base of the neck (the occipital bone) and place your other hand on the lower back (the sacral area). Hold the position for a count of 20, while you focus on your breathing and clear your mind. This is carried out with dry hands.
Cautions: Aromatherapy is an holistic therapy in that it works on the preson as a whole. Though it is an excellent way of treating minor ailments, stress and negative emotional states, it is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment. If symptoms persist, always consult a medical doctor. Never attempt to treat the following conditions: