About The Massage Treatment:
A complete aromatherapy massage takes just under an hour from top to toe. It is important to find out before massage about physical aches and pains, in particular back injuries, recent operations or whether the person you are massaging is in an ’emotional’ state of mind at the time.
Giving The Massage:
Make sure you have read through the step-by-step instructions several times to familiarize yourself with the sequence. You don’t want to keep stopping to refer to the book.
- Try out the movements on parts of your own body to get a sense of how the strokes should feel and how much pressure to use.
- Massage movements should be slow and gentle to help relaxation and eliminate tension which tightens the muscles.
- Remember that the movements should flow into each other. If you find you have missed out a step or gone on to the wrong part of the body, don’t panic. Finish the part you are working on before going back to it, or leave it out altogether, rather than interrupting the flow of the massage.
- When you give the massage, make sure you are relaxed and comfortable, as well as the person you are working on, or you will transmit your own tensions to your partner and it will not be an effective massage.
- Try to maintain contact with your partner’s body as much as possible, even as you move into a different position try to keep a hand on the body.
- When massaging different parts of the body keep the areas not being worked on covered with a large towel or blanket. The heat helps the body to absorb the oils.
- If the recipient’s back is stressed in any way, place a pillow under the knees when lying on the back and under the pelvis when lying on the stomach.
- Wear loose comfortable clothing to give the massage, so our movements are not hampered.
- If oil is accidentally spilt on clothing, dab off quickly with a tissue. It will soon evaporate, but it may leave a stain so rinse out clothing in warm soapy water.
- For complete relaxation avoid chatting during the massage: play music if you don’t like silence. But do encourage feedback from your partner-you must be told if something doesn’t feel good.
- Ensure that the person you are going to work on is given the following set of guidelines.
Recieving The Massage:
Before The Massage:
Have a cool shower or wash before a massage. Do not soak in a hot bath, or the oils will immediately seep into the skin.
- Don’t use an underarm deodorant or body spray during the treatment, as this will block the effect of the oils.
- Don’t have a large meal just before an aromatherapy massage as the body’s systems will have to work too hard at digesting to be thoroughly relaxed.
- Don’t drink alcohol before a treatment.
- Don’t have a massage if you have flu or a fever or any serious condition. Wait until you are over the worst and then let an aromatherapy treatment help restore your system’s balance.
After The Massage:
- Drink a glass of still water immediately after a treatment.
- Lie still for at least five minutes before getting up.
- Don’t bathe or shower for at least twelve hours after a treatment to allow the oils to be absorbed by the skin and begin the all important work of detoxifying the body.
- Drink plenty of water for the rest of the day as the kidneys will be active in eliminating the toxins.
- Avoid alcohol for at least 12 hours after the treatment to give the body a chance to detoxify thoroughly.