Home Remedies For A Fairer Complexion(Contd.):
2. Oily Skin:
- Prepare a paste of equal amounts of cucumber juice and lemon and apply on the face and neck. You can use this paste all over the body to get an even toned body. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
- Make a paste with a spoon of milk powder, some honey, a pinch of turmeric and a few drops of lemon juice. Honey moisturises and the lemon and turmeric act as bleaching agents. Leave for 10 minutes and rinse.
- Mix a little of curd, a few drops of lemon juice and honey and apply it on the face. Rinse after 15 minutes.
- Take 2 spoons of wheat flour/ oatmeal/ chickpea flour powder and mix it with sour curd/ yogurt. Apply it all over the body, massaging it lightly and rinse off.
- Apply a mixture of 3-4 drops of lime juice and a grated tomato on the face and neck for 15 minutes for 15 days. Wash with cold water.
- Make a paste by mixing papaya, honey, milk, and milk powder. Apply on face and leave for a few minutes and wash, your face will look fairer.

3. Dry Skin:
- Apply a mixture of equal amounts of cucumber juice and honey and olive oil on the face and whole body. Massage lightly and leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.
- Make a paste of sandalwood powder mixed with equal quantities of almond oil and milk. Massage gently on the darker areas like the neck, around lips, below eyes, and rinse.
- Apply a mixture of equal amounts of lemon juice and honey on the face and whole body. Leave it for 15 minutes and wash off.
- Make a paste out of turmeric and fresh cream of milk and apply it on the face for half an hour and then wash off.
- Make a paste with egg yolk, olive oil and lemon juice. Apply it on the neck and face, wash it out after 10 minutes.
- Mix 2 spoon full gram flour, 1 pinch of turmeric powder, A few drops of milk cream and few drops of lemon juice to make a fine paste and evenly spread it on the skin. Wait until it dries out fully. Then gently scrub it off. You can apply it on all parts of the body.
Home Remedies To Fade Tan:
- Mix 1 tbsp of milk powder, 1 tbsp honey, 1 tbsp lemon juice and 1/2 tbsp almond oil. Apply on the tanned surface, face, neck and hands and leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
- Mix dried and powdered orange peel with equal quantity of raw milk and apply on tanned face and neck. Rinse with lukewarm water when dry.
- Mix equal quantities of sugar granules and lemon juice. Using lemon peels apply this mixture all over the exposed skin and go on scrubbing. Go on scrubbing till 20 minutes. Keep for another 15 minutes. This will provide a natural bleached effect.
- Mash papaya with cold milk. Apply it on face and neck regions. This soothes the skin. It also calms the sun affected skin. You may add little honey if you have dry to normal skin.
- Mix rice flour and curd to make a paste and apply over the exposed areas to remove suntan. Rinse when dry. In case of oily skin add rose water to the above skin tan remedy.
- Mix oatmeal with curd and tomato juice and apply on the face. Keep it on for 20 minutes and then wash it off with cold water. It helps remove the tan and lightens the skin.
- You can make a fine paste of grinded almonds and rose water. A regular application of this paste on the face and neck will bring a natural fairness.
- You can also soak potatoes in cold water for 10 minutes. Rub these slices on your face, hands and neck. This regular act will bring a positive result within a short period.
- You can make a paste of cucumber with coconut water. Apply this paste regularly to relive your skin as well as to bring a glowing complexion.