Pregnancy Massage

More Alternative therapies to remove pain during pregnancy:

5. Acupressure and Counter pressure: There are certain techniques with regards to touch and strokes that considerably enhances the way the body feels, and also increases the endorphin levels in the body. Specific ponts of acupressure quickens the labor process. There are many other specializes techniques, that help certain parts of the body hand and/or foot massage, effleurage , the double-hip squeeze, or the knee press.

6. Hot Compresses: A hot compress Applied to the lower back, can be very helpful to relieve pain also a hot water bag placed under your belly,or over your shoulder relaxex the painful muscles.

7. The Birth Ball:

  • The birth ball is a physical therapy ball that helps at helps laboring women. Pregnant women can sit on the ball, and rock back and forth which uses gravity and makes the laboring process easier, used in a variety of positions, this process increases endorphins. The elasticity and the curvature of the ball stimulates receptor sites on the pelvic floor which are primarily responsible for endorphin release.
  • The ball should be soft and spongy ( under inflated ) and should be large enough as well; in diameter so that the woman’s knees are flexed at a 90-degree angle.
  • All Pregnant women using the ball must hold on to support while sitting on the ball for safety.

8. Aromatherapy:

  • Aromatic substances which stimulate chemoreceptor sites ( A sensory receptor that responds to chemical stimuli ) in the nasopharanyx (Cavity forming the upper part of the pharynx or the passage between the stomach and the lungs ) that trigger other chemical responses in the body.
  • Essential oils are extremely concentrated and need to be diluted before use.
  • A 2% dilution of aromatherapy oils during pregnancy is which is equivalent to 10 drops essential oil to 2 tablespoons of carrier oil. However for a bath 6 to 10 drops essential oil can be added to the tub and 3 to 6 drops essential oil in a bowl of warm water in which a small towel can soaked for a warm compress.
  • A dilution of aromatherapy oils can also be added for for a steam inhalation.

Note: The following oils are to be avoided during pregnancy, or used not to be used a few months even after pregnancy.
– Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Clary sage (Ok during labour, Clove, Cypress (Ok after 5 months), Fennel, Hyssop, Jasmine (Ok during labour), Jasmine (Ok during labour), Juniper, Lemongrass, Myrrh, Parsley, Pennyroyal, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sweet marjoram, Thyme.

9. Music: During pregnancy a woman’s mind should be free of stress and anxiety; therefore music can be a powerful for mental stimulation, Auditory, acoustic, and vibratory stimulation actually decrease our perception of pain and enhance relaxation.

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