Strong, well-manicured nails on the hands and feet play an important role in a woman’s appearance. Brittle, damaged or weak nails can detract from this. Essential oils can be used to improve nail condition.
Essential oil of lavender is particularly good for strengthening nails. Each evening, put your finger onto the nozzle of a bottle of lavender oil, tip the bottle, and rub the oil into the cuticles. After two or three months you should see some improvements as the treated nail grows through.
Nail Treatment:
Pampering your nails with this weekly treatment will keep them healthy and strong. If your nails are particularly weak and damaged, you may prefer to apply this quick treatment every evening. Because nail growth is a slow process, the results are not immediate – it will be a couple of months before you see any improvement, but it will be worth the wait.
Warm Water; Lavender essential oil; a bowl; cuticle stick; cotton bud (Q-tip).
Method: — Soak your fingertips in warm water before gently cleaning the surplus cuticle from the nails.
— Use a cotton bud to apply neat lavender oil to each cuticle to strengthen them.
Nail Strengthening Tip: Sucking a jelly cube each day is said to strengthen the nails. If you often have white flecks across your nails, increasing the calcium in your diet could also help.
Natural Aloe Vera Ointment For Nails: A worthy alternative to the
chemical polish product is a natural ointment made from the gel of fresh aloe-vera leaves.
1. Cut a fresh leaf down the center. With a spoon, scoop out the gel.
2. When you have collected a quantity of gel, place it in a dowble boiler.
3. Boil the ‘sticky stuff’ down to a thicker paste-like consistency.
4. Store in a small clean jar with lid. Label, date, and store it in a cool place.