Make Up Tips To Reduce Dark Circles

Dark circles are a result of various reasons, like lack of sleep, illness, smoking, poor circulation, stress, etc. Dark circles are most common. We all know that cosmetics are a girl’s best friend. Well, for majority of the feminine species. A lot of women have taken refuge in make-up to hide or conceal their dark circles. There can be permanent solutions and temporary solutions as well to take care of dark circles. With the right tools and good cosmetics, you can hide your dark circles. A permanent fixture for this problem is to buy an under eye serum which reduces dark circles considerably. Although applying make-up or trying a home remedy is a temporary situation to take care of the problem, most women prefer this as time is a major factor and it takes a few minutes to conceal dark circles. Often the advice is given to have 8 hours of proper sleep and to drink plenty of water but that is a long drawn process and even if it doesn’t stop the dark circles from appearing, you should definitely do both of these things. On a broader sense, dark circles are due to the thinness of the skin under the eye and the proximity of the blood vessels to the skin’s surface. The result is that the under under the eye starts looking purple or dark blue in colour. Dark circles are very annoying and sometimes there are no ways of getting rid of them. But concealing them is easily done by using various methods.

Tips To Reduce Dark Circles:

  1. First of all, check out the various products and types at the store. You have to test several different types of concealers before you settle on one. They are meant to cover up small areas by application. Under eye concealers are available as cream, stick, pencil base and are waterproof. Depending on the type of concealer that you are using, you can either apply it with a brush or a sponge. Buy a concealer which is one shade lighter than your foundation.
  2. If your circles are darker, then go in for two shades lighter than your foundation. Do not buy a very light shade as it might look ghoulish. Dab concealer under the eyes and blend it with your foundation. Make sure to conceal the inner part of your eyes as they are the darkest parts. Gold based concealers are great for tired eyes.
  3. Since dark circles affect the lower part of your eyes, avoid using mascara and eyeliner in the lower part of the eyes, it will draw a lot of attention to the dark circles. You can go heavy on the mascara on the upper lashes to draw attention to it. Flakes of mascara usually fall off from the lower lashes and make dark under eye circles look more darker.
  4. You can opt for a vitamin K based eye product. It helps to strengthen the capillary walls so that the dark circles and the visible veins become less noticeable. This can reduce eyes which have bags and are sagging. You will get over the counter products to reduce severe under eye circles. You can opt for chemical peels to reduce under eye circles.
  5. If you have a very chronic case of dark circles, then you should visit your doctor for consultancy and if necessary, go in for laser treatment. Lazers helps to thicken the skin by increasing collagen production, so the veins are less likely to be noticed.
  6. Use sunblock around the eyes with eye serums and creams. This moisturizes the skin and reduces exposure from the sun.

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