Exercises For General Fitness

Today most people do not get as much exercise going about their daily lives as they used to – increasingly jobs and stores are some distance from home so it is impossible to walk to and from them. Added to this, labour-saving devices have taken much of the exertion out of housework, we spend too much of our working lives in front of computers and our leisure time watching TV. But even though modern life is not always conducive to healthy living, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. And, once you realise just how many anti-aging benefits there are to be gained from exercise: young, middle-aged or senior citizens and all the ages in between.

Benefits Of Regular Exercise:
There are many benefits of regular exercise. Here are just a few:
Heart Strengthening: Remember that the heart is a muscle, and like other muscles in the body, the more you exercise it, the stronger it will be and the more efficiently it will work. Those with strong hearts are less likely to be at risk from heart disease and strokes.
Bone Densifying: As we age, so do our bones, and women, in particular, are prone to a bone-wasting disease called osteoporosis where the bones literally begin to crumble. But, there is a link between regularly exercising and strong bones – and increasing bone density.
Muscle Building: Muscles gradually begin to lose their mass as we age. Indeed, muscle mass starts to decline beyond the age of 25. Keeping muscles well built and firm will not only keep your overall physique looking great, but will help you burn calories. It is also thought that keeping your legs and lower back strong can help to reduce the likelihood of back problems in the future.
Stress-Busting: Exercising regularly helps your body to cope with day-to-day stress more easily. Exercise releases “feel good” hormones called endorphins that actually help to improve your emotional state and create a sense of well-being. Endorphins are also major players in reducing pain levels.
Weight Reducing: Burning calories through exercise is a surefire way to reduce weight.
Life-Enhancing: As well as bringing a sense of well-being, heightening self-esteem and staying healthy, the hard facts are that you actually reduce your risk of dying prematurely by keeping your body physically active.
Health Giving: Regular exercise can decrease cholesterol, increase good cholesterol, reduce heart disease, colon cancer and Type 2 diabetes. It helps to enhance concentration and increase energy levels.

Finding A Suitable Exercise:
Finding an exercise that you like and you feel able to do at least two or three times a week for between 20 minutes and one hour is important. It is much, much harder to find the motivation to keep active if you don’t particularly enjoy what you do. Check out what your local leisure or community centres have to offer. Most will have classes to suit everyone at any life stage, including pregnancy and old age. Keep trying the different types of activities available on offer until you find one that you enjoy; take a friend for support if you feel nervous about trying something for the first time. But don’t be confused into thinking that exercise is only for ‘sporty types’. Anything that makes your heart rate increase counts, and you should be mildly out of breath. For example, walking briskly, playing tennis, jogging, cycling or even ballroom dancing are all good ways to exercise. Adding exercise into your life can be easier than you think. Don’t let lack of time affect your health. Putting extra effort into normal activities such as heavy housework, gardening or DIY projects can count as long as they leave you out of breath. At work, take the stairs rather than the lift or escalator at every available opportunity. Park further away from your workplace during daylight hours and enjoy a short walk instead. Get off the bus one or two stops early and walk the rest of the way. Manu commuters find the whole drive to work very stressful, try cycling instead, or cycling from the halfway point. You will probably find it’s quicker too! Experts recommend a walk after your evening meal. Not only does it help you to focus on not overloading food (knowing you will be walking after the meal) but it gives you a chance to burn off some of what you have just eaten. Showing your children that exercise is just a normal, regular part of life will help encourage them to make good choices in their adult lives. Play outdoor games such as football or tennis, go for a family cycle ride or even a family swim to show them that exercise is fun as well as fundamental to your health.

Warming Up And Stretching Exercises 

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