Tips On Ayurvedic Oil Application:
- During winters Ayurvedic massages should be administered with warm oils and during the summer the Ayurvedic massage should be administered with cooler oils. The oil can be placed in a squeezer and then placed in warm or cool water according to the desired effect on the oil.
- The massage oil should be employed at the joints or marma points in a circular motion.
- Apply the Ayurvedic oil against the direction of the hair growth because this motion directs the lymph towards the heart.
- Before administering an ayurvedic oils massage the therapist can rub his / her palms together until they turn warm which charges the hands with energy that is then transmitted onto the massage recipient.
- An ayurvedic massage should commence from the upper area of the leg followed by the lower part of the leg, ending at the foot. After this the massage should proceed from the hips to the sides gradually moving to the lower back and then the upper back; the head should be massaged at the end. This pattern is followed in the direction of an inverted tree where the head is the root and the spine is the trunk whereas the limbs are branches.
- Ayurvedic massage therapies suggest that the feet should be massaged everyday and the head should be massaged every third day; even if a full body massage is not possible on a daily basis.
- Sesame oil and mustard oil are good for ayurvedic massages and so is Olive oil, if it is not too expensive.
- Sesame oil is apt for muscle swellings, and it also helps to strengthen the texture of the skin, it also prevents premature ageing. since the oil is good for the skin texture it also helps to shape the breast to an extent if regularly massaged with sesame oil. It also keeps the hair healthy.
- Oils like Mahaanarayana taila can be used to treat muscle pains and arthritic conditions it also helps in along with controlling itching; whereas Brahmi oil generates sleep. Aswagandhaadi taila can be used in muscle atrophy. In the same way Mahaamarichyaadi taila can be used specifically for. These oils can be used on the advice of an Ayurvedic physician.